
"I think of you and our sessions all the time. I haven’t the words to express what you have given me."

– Doug S

“My husband and I thank God for your being and your talent. We saw our daughter fading before our eyes before we found you. You saved her life.”

– Carole G

“You helped me to unravel my past, to take a long, hard look at my present, and to feel excited about my future.”

– Danny B

“You helped me get through one of the worst times in my life. Thank you for walking beside me.”

– Sophie and Michael T

“You helped me get through one of the worst times in my life. Thank you for walking beside me.”

– Alan R

“Just writing to tell you that I’m now 3 months pregnant. I’ve come such a long way since when I first started working with you and so much of it is thanks to you.”

– Zoe W

“I enjoyed the group so much and felt privileged to be part of such an interesting, dynamic and wonderful group of women.”

– Rachael C

‘I think of you and my wonderful women’s group often. Out of the fire rises the phoenix. It’s been a great learning curve.”

– Kelly M

“I thank you for our time together. You have been a kind and generous mentor and a genuine role model. You will always be with me and reflected in my beautiful family. Many thanks and much love.”

– Jennifer M

“I’m so glad I found the NWLPC. Right from the start, I knew I was in capable hands. My needs were assessed in the very first session and I was placed with someone who really understood what makes me tick.”

– Carlos R

“Although my wife was initially reluctant to come into family therapy, the skilful way that you’ve handled the sessions has brought us all closer together, and our son, Jacob, is more positive than he’s been in a long while.”

– John G

“I thank you for our time together. You have been a kind and generous mentor and a genuine role model. You will always be with me and reflected in my beautiful family. Many thanks and much love.”

– Jennifer M